Your poems on the radio! OHM POEMS is a collaboration between us and OHM Radio. Upload your poems as an audio file and they will air on 96.3FM Wednesdays at 1pm from Oct. 4 – 25. The show will be hosted by Marcus Amaker. Deadline for submissions: September 22.

How do I make an audio file of my poem?
You can record your poem on a phone and share theĀ file. You can also record it on a fancy microphone and upload it that way, as well.
What type of poems?
Any style, any length, any topic.
Can I cuss?
Nope. Radio doesn’t allow “bad words,” unfortunately. We support your expression, so save the curse words for the stage!
Can I say my name in the audio?
YES. Please say your name and the title of the poem at the beginning of the file.
What if I can’t figure out how to upload the file?
You may email the poems to [email protected] with the subject “OHM POEMS”
How do I hear the show live?
Tune in to OHM live here online if you can’t catch it on the air at 96.3FM.
Will the shows be archived? I wanna listen!
Yep. We’ll send a link out to the poets at a later date.